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The meat is flourishing, dominant and extraordinary.
The wild goose south flies a way:"Need not, you still become Long Shen fights with me, everyone's with all strength, in case you lost not to recognize Zang."In fact, the Long Shen combat flies to the wild goose south more beneficial, Long Shen is too huge, the flexibility consumedly lowers, and the wild goose south flies and then evened had confidence to once support 30 to recruit.
Long Zhan has a fit a way:"What?Do you think that I will depend on Zang?Like, I use Long Shen fights with you, don't say I with the big deceit is small."
The wild goose south flies conspiracy to succeed, the in the mind is inwardly happy.
One person one dragon flies to an open spaces place, many flood dragons far and far looking at, and Long Ao Tian is afraid that Long Zhan harmed wild goose south to fly and leave nearerly.
The wild goose south flies a way:"Come!"His luck has whole body of capability, the absolute being baby's full blast of three pubic regions.He prohibits to fully use a saint machine, he wants to make Long Zhan lose admire sincerely to take orally.
Long Zhan no longer talks, absolute being Long Bai Wei sweeps in the past and used Long Xi to blockade the sky at the same time.The wild goose south flies only a road to walk, he decides on the spot, and the Qian watering goes and once hid first time to attackstone.
The wild goose south flies very distress, he didn't care and flew out from Shui-li.Long Xi of the dragon war has already waited him, the south of the wild goose flies to avoid to have no to avoid this time.
"Water Long Po!"A huge water dragon faces ascend Long Xi.This water dragon differs from general water to fasten sorcery water Long Po, is what process way method Ning do.
Long Zhan disdainfully looking at water Long Po, he believes that Long Po of water touches own Long Xi and signed a horse to become steam.
Can he turned angry face right away, water Long Po unexpectedly impeded Long Xi for a while.Under this, the wild goose south flew a Shan Long Xi's scope.
To Long Xi, the wild goose south flies to have regard for very much, he is personal to go up, starts with Long Zhan's hand to hand fight, let Long Xi of dragon war have no use violence of ground.
Dragon's fighting doesn't worry at 1:00 and fly a war with wild goose south at together, or bump, or grasp...
One person one dragon seethes in the sky, the world changes countenance, the nautical mile has Tao billow for sky, it suffices to show their real strenght.
The wild goose south flies that scene that sees fight over many dragon clans from Long Shen and also has a research.He never touches with Long Zhan Ying and start to cope with a dragon war come more than enough, easy from such as.
Turn a moment, one person one dragon has already fought thousand rounds, all some Be getting more tired.The wild goose south flies a body form slow many, again combat the bottom go and leave to fall to hurt not and far.Long Zhan wanted to fly than the wild goose south to be easily many, after all, his real strenght puts over there.
Long Ao Tian originally wants to make the wild goose southern to fly well toughen for a while, see about, also make them stop down.
Long Zhan open way:"Good!I lost!Hereafter follow you to mix.Beat today really to heart's content, for a long time have no so to heart's content!Ha ha!!"

Volume 7 practices moral teachings chapter 7 result
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Chapter 7 harvests
Long Zhan pours bachelor also, admit defeat neat and matchless, have no a little affected.
The wild goose south flies to appreciate him very much this, way:"Like, Long Zhan the eldest brother since it is so is generous, hereafter is me wild goose the south fly of brothers.You trust, I can't maltreat your clansmen.Still have, I ain't confused to direct you, hopes later and the mainland of absolute being is enemy of time, the eldest brother can help a helping hand."
Long Zhan Dao:"Wish wager to concede defeat, besides hereafter follow Long Shen adult and you, I believe to will be better than now.As for fight, that is what our flood dragon likes most , though you order.We early think a flood dragon island, what then, before and Long Du Dou who has wing loses and was forced to stay at here."
The wild goose south flies a way:"The useless talk not much said that Long Zhan's eldest brother, you at once make your clansmen tidy up for a while, a short while I want to make you go to later the place of life, wrap you to be satisfied with there."
"Good!"Long Zhan Dao, " everyone respectively tidies up thing, we want to leave a flood dragon island right away, don't come back any further."
He flies a way to the wild goose south:"In fact, flood dragon island also nothing important good thing, in addition to is some we like of crystal stone,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, only have flood dragon egg, at most the one who have some to explore leaves of product."
The wild goose south flies a way:"You can show me, if worthy thing we all take."
Long Zhan Dao:"Go to and have a liking for what oneself take, don't be as polite as I."
The wild goose south flies toward flood dragon island, the beginning searches everywhere.Just right in the flood dragon island, accepts thousand several flood dragons more than enough.Premium grass in the island green jade, the green tree becomes Yin, the environment isn't bad.He read to overaly the whole flood dragon island with the absolute being, all things were clearer than heart.
Spiritual influence in the flood dragon island is strong, the top useful thing is still true many.There is a crystal stone mineral on the flood dragon island vein, in addition to crystal stone, there are also many rare metals.There aring a lot of medicine of working properlies on the flood dragon island moreover is all other place rare of, among them, Long Ling Guo is the most precious.Long Ling Guo only has there is just growth in the place of dragon, its spiritual influence is very big, but directly take to have any effect, need a chain then the Dan medicine can develop Long Ling Guo's efficacy of medicine.
The wild goose south flies to send person these useful the thing searched to pare off back and also made him get outside the result and discovered several ten pieces of summons crystals in the crystal mineral.These summon crystal's least of also have wash basin size, the biggest a cake ofs have a house so big.There are these summons crystals, later oneself can create to summon crystal ball, need not ask others for help any further.
The thing of flood dragon is quite a little, soon all tidy up to complete, and gather together.
In the flood dragon island, have five claw gold Long Yi Tiao, three claw gold dragon 13, one claw gold dragon 156, become adult a flood dragon 745, childhood flood dragon 221, flood dragon egg 366.Hereafter, all of these are the wild geese the south flies of ordinary members, see he is wreathed in smiles.
The wild goose south flies also not useless talk, directly accepted into all flood dragons China field, in China field in, early have a flood dragon island on a Tahu lake, this flood dragon island is more even spacious than original island, spiritual influence, crystal stone is also abundant matchless.Geography and originally of about, the flood dragons can't not habit.
The wild goose south flies a way:"Little dragon, you arrange those flood dragons, and tell them the rules in the China field.I return to first and come out so long, their affirmation worried."
Long Ao's God's way:"Is all right, all of them are Long Zu Yi's veins, I am to help them."
The wild goose south flies to know his temper, isn't angry either, directly accept him enter China boundary, then to China number direction hasty Chi.
Not much, the wild goose south flew to is China field and greeted his is raise an in order to wait for of public.
The Yi orchid asks a way:"Fly an elder brother, you go to so long, worry dead we."
Shu aroma way:"The teddy boy is free, O.K. you are peaceful to come back, you want again don't come back, we all prepared to go in to seek you."
Wild goose Tong way:"Father, in have a dragon?Did you seek to sit to ride a dragon for me?"
The owners all hope wild goose the south fly, they all really want to know this problem.Connecting Long Ao Tian's hasing never followed back don't notice.Is true to feel unworthy for him, if the wild goose south flew don't come back, notice for someone right away.
The wild goose south flies a way:"In have no dragon, is not evil Long Dao either.In really have a group of islands, call flood dragon island, because what top life is a flood dragon."
The fire dance asks a way:"Flood dragon?What appearance is the flood dragon long?"
The wild goose south flies a way:"Flood dragon also the nothing important is special, with boa have a liking for go to about, however, the flood dragon can evolve Jackie Chan, is the dragon with no wing."
The fire dances the Pie Pie mouth way:"Also the nothing important is fantastic, be still our absolute being Long Hao."
Wild goose Tong Du wear a mouth way:"The boa isn't good-looking, I don't want a flood dragon to be to sit to ride."
The wild goose south flies inwardly funny, he didn't defend for flood dragon, he thought to have no necessity.Make open isn't his personality, he habitually hides Zhuo.
To the business of flood dragon island, he one once took, says that Long Ao Tian recovered a flood dragon.
Return to berth, the wild goose south flies and several females chatted a short while, decide to close the border, he wants to take advantage o for the remaining five days and chase a flood dragon

