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Have already taken down lately even county, connecting down affirmation has to strike against a fighting skill county and go to respectively man Wang Can of the cheerful county.I decide to lead our own 30,000 battalions to go to a fighting skill county and wait for an opportunity but move.If Ma Teng really vanquished Wang Can, we made an effort to strike against a fighting skill county;If Ma Teng be defeated by Wang Can, we immediately fold a way to return to Long west, under your idea how?"
The Yan line wants to don't think as well and immediately embraces a boxing to say:"Lord male astute!"
Hence smell speech, but shook to shake head.
His Le wears Han short beard, helplessly say:"Which have what astute, this however is for beg a self-preservation just.We haven't struck against Wang Can, Ma Teng starts taking precautions against me, on the alert I, would not like to adopt my opinion.Didn't fight so but first intramural fight, how may be Wang Can's opponent, see a next circumstance."
After finishing saying, hence air a whole, order way:"You immediately call owner, I want to negotiate the affair of dividing the soldier with Ma Teng, and this matter has to as early as possible settle down."
The Yan line embraces a boxing answer and immediately informs hence of order.
Prefectural hall, the force in soldier will all get together.
Ma Teng and hence sit on the seat of host, hence take light smiling face on the face, slowly say:"Elder brother, we have already taken down lately even county, if continue to stay here, affirmative useless.Is for this reason, I want to make sure how we should divide a soldier and by whom lead troops the battalion of striking against Wang Can?By whom lead troops the fighting skill county of striking against the rear?"
Ma Teng vision flicker, peep out to contemplate on the face of color.
Ma Chao's sitting is sitting at table, good is an in uncomfortable position, eager to have a trily mean to say words.
However, hence although the action that saw Ma Chao, turn a blind eye, don't make Ma Chao talk.His vision looking at Ma Teng and waits for Ma Teng's decision.
Very long, Ma Teng just asks a way:"The text invites, are you how to intend?"
Very obviously, Ma Teng wants to take backing as to enter and sounds out first hence the viewpoint in the heart.
The words sound falls in, Ma Chao's eyebrows wrinkles up and seem dissatisfied father, Ma Teng, inquire hence.Ma Teng also saw Ma Chao's facial expression, light on smiling, there is no action.
Hence hear Ma Teng ask words and seem a bit difficult.
His air is hesitant, peep out a dignified facial expression.
Very long, hence just slowly say:"The elder brother once led battalion and Wang Can belligerence, but be easily defeated by Wang Can, and Meng's rising wise niece also is once imprisonned by Wang Cans and connected huge virtuous huge made to was also grasped by Wang can clearly to.Thus big enemy, I am the elder brother's knot righteousness brothers, certainly is to duty-boundly revenge for elder brother, I would like to lead troops to strike against Wang Can."
A words say firmly.
Ma Chao finishes listenning to, eyebrows suddenly the Cu rise.
In the beginning, Ma Chao listenned to hence of words, thought hence will aware of self ground to lead troops to strike against a fighting skill county.Now hence but beat to share sorrows for Ma Teng of curtain, want to strike against Wang Can on one's own initiative, didn't this rob the opportunity that he revenges?
Ma Teng didn't talk, Ma Chao immediately stood out.
His air is serious, gleam the spark of old grudge in the eye, say:"Uncle, striking against Wang Can isn't a simple affair.First, our Ma Jia's soldier reaches to 60,000 more, but the soldier of uncle's troops only have 30,000, this is the margin of both parties' real strenght, uncle if lead 30,000 battalions strike against Wang Can, the affirmative dint didn't arrest, hard completion."
Hence is tiny tiny on smiling, say:"This have what good misgiving of, can adjust to send several myriad people to temporarily join my troops from 60,000 soldiers, thus, immediately strengthened real strenght."
Ma Chao smells speech, dark scold in the heart hence is deceitful.
He cautiously wants to reply of method, but discover a hard answer.
Both parties are allies, but hence put forward a suggestion like this, there is no not satisfactory place.As Ma Chao is being kept constantly on replying, Ma Teng spoke up.Ma Teng speaks slowly a way:"The text invites, our both parties' soldier's military discipline is different, release mandatory password different, once both parties' soldier is hybrid,Facebook, take place very easily antinomy.Therefore, with I it see, still not hybrid is good."
A words connect to eliminate to take a dozen, 32 times pair of hence of words crest return to.
Hence smell speech, have never spoken to answer criticism.
Speak to lead troops to strike against Wang Can to him, just hence with back for enter of the strategy is just.
If Ma Chao listenned to Ma Teng and admire of saw Ma Teng Yi's eye, immediately after say:"Uncle, our troopses are reason.The second reason is my Ma Jia and Wang Can to have big enemy, old grudge like this only we make moves by ourselves just to solve, so as to have peace of mind, how could make the uncle work hard at chores."
In times before, hence of some kind of words have already stimulated Ma Teng and Ma Chao.
Is huge virtuous be left by Wang Can, Ma Teng sees as the absolute disgrace.
Ma Chao is imprisonned by Wang Can, let Ma Chao a life time be always difficult to forget.
These two affairs, 2 Ma Teng and Ma Chao's father and sons aren't likely to forget.Hence when the noodles that wears owner speaks, it urges 2 people be not likely to let more hence strike against Wang Can, only they strike against a fighting skill county to just go by themselves.Certainly, also have reason is to defeat Wang Can, can take Wang Can's troops and will get, this is also Ma Teng and Ma Chao is not likely to promise of reason.
Ma Chao looking at hence, see hence is still unmoved, dark scold hence is deceitful.
Ma Chao fiercely lifts dress tunic, the list knee kneels on the ground and embraces a boxing to say:"Uncle, Ma Jia and Wang cans' old grudge is higher than sky, deeper than sea, must report, ask an uncle to help."
Hence Nao Nao head, and then see toward Ma Teng, seem the opinion that asks for Ma Teng.
However, Ma Teng still is a speech don't deliver.
Hence sighed tone, started to start to hand Ma Chao, say:"The Meng rises, you make reference to words all this son ascended and did an uncle of can also refuse?However, Wang Can very of craftiness, you can have to be careful, not ability the gist!"
If Ma Teng hears hence and defeat Wang Can's viewpoint Be getting firmer more.
Hence finally instruct Ma Chao caution, seem to say that Ma Teng and Ma Chao is a brave man, don't know to use tricks.Words like this stimulated the heart of Ma Teng's sensitive.
Ma Chao sees hence promise down, just happy in the heart, don't care at all hence of words.His station starts and fisted a fist and gleams scorching hot ray of light in the eye and takes down a lately even county this time and has already cut off Wang Can's back route, he will definitely defeat Wang Can.When the time comes, Ma Chao's wanting to chop down Wang Can's head is used as wine Zun, humiliate Wang Can.
Hence return to sit at table, say:"Since is such, I lead troops to strike against a fighting skill county and stabilize rear."
The Yan line sits at under, in the heart to hence don't already admire.
Hence not the Kui is old river's lake, easily of come to a the target of striking against the fighting skill county.
By this time, and then listen to hence say:"Elder brother, the fighting skill county is similar to the lately even county, leave of the troopses are all few.I lead 30,000 battalions very quick can capture a fighting skill county, at that time, I was to lead troops to support an elder brother, still continued the rear of striking against Wang Can, cut off all of the way outs of the rear of Wang Can?"
Ma Teng has no hesitant, the clear voice says:"You need not be worried about us, though the direction going toward Chang-an kills go to be."
Hence order, in the heart but smile.
Ps:Four more of a, beg fresh flowers support.

The 12th northwest hopes a chapter 836 mask male
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-5-221:21:24 chapter word numbers:3076

Ma Teng and hence in the lately even county linger on the twoth, then divide a soldier to leave.
Ma Teng leads 60,000 battalions of Ma Chao, Ma Xiu and Ma Dai and troops and left a lately even county and rushes through toward the direction of Wang Can's battalion.However, Ma Teng leaves, the lately even county also stayed some troops in case the lately even county appears strange appearance.Meanwhile, hence also take Yan to go and 30,000 battalions of troops, dynasty behind of the fighting skill county kill.
2 people superficially is separately battle, but both parties have already thoroughly boxed off to open, is respectively a war.
Ally relation also appeared fracture.
When hence lead troops to leave after, the speed walking faster also slowed down, the speed was very slow.Although Ma Teng knew hence the battalion leading walks faster speed slow, his heart in think hence making the soldier rest is whole, so don't interfere with.Consider in Ma Teng Xin of whole is how to defeat

