
cheap beats by dre The stars change _395

. Ming Liang live this moment to be clearest . The empty blood ,our two party do not want to belong to our inverse central throughout the fight ,but some people hope we fight .Now ,there must be someone who secretly provoke .
, relationresultEmptyhearts black blood .relationresultHealso reminded of the Witch Black himself ,Witch Black didn red extension of reality .relationresultBut whokilled red extension real ?relationresultA secret challenge ? Wu empty blood hearts also came to this conclusion .
relationresultHoweverthe empty blood saccades were the clear mountain and the sky numerous fighting to figure ,he knew ,was now want to stop estimates are impossible .Every casual magic estimation have green eyes ,they have many friends being killed .
relationresultSanxianside too, now also died large sanxian .The Sanxian is hatred alive before bulk magic .relationresultDead is dead ,why should I care . The empty heart with blood .
relationresultUkrainianair also remember practice days ,when the enemies of the repair of magic ,the lone world alone Xiu magic ,murder and the cruel ,bloodthirsty repair magic .But finally he got a Death Magic Book, it rapidly go up in the world ,become the diabolism giant .
relationresultDragon mainland these sectarian scattered repair predecessors when you die you die ,they die .The magic dragon repair sects position estimation to crash ,many small sects may rise .
Dragon mainland also cannot always control the sectarian ,also should change . , relationresultMing Liangreality looked at Wu empty blood ,hope and empty blood strike warfare .relationresultBecause of thiswar ,it destroyed most of mountain building ,with the passage of time ,Qing Xu view death disciples is also increasing, the clear mountain only a clean place ,is pure mountain ten Yan magic matrix area .
relationresultchallenge ?Ming Liang you twelve kalpas ,a Sanxian ,now Sanxian party first person .Have done things too embarrassed to admit it .You killed one thousand scattered magic escape when I see it with my own eyes ,your speed .
Look the world ,the speed to catch up with you in a few? The estimate also Peng Magic Island Island ,and Maronite patriarch .Peng Magic Island Island and Maronite patriarch what position ,is to impersonate you ?Ming Liang ,now you don try .
, relationresultWuempty blood goes directly to the only one reason :to crush the battlefield .relationresultKill!relationresultIt is alsonow the empty blood expect .relationresultBulkmagic die no more, he Wu empty blood .
As long as the broken day figure nothing ,so when will break down the map to the make ,he Wu empty blood is a big power .relationresultThe empty blood ,you stubborn . , relationresultMing Liangreal anger pole .
relationresultWuempty blood with a sneer : the very noisy ,with hands-on practical ,say so much nonsense what . Then, the empty blood who began from dazzling blood red blood red light ,the light began to move in the right hand palm empty blood collection .
relationresultMing Liangreal cold well, general is also a dazzling white light ,and the light in the fingers of the right hand Ming Liang real convergence .relationresultDeath -- the crescent blade ! , relationresultWuempty blood suddenly wave, an extremely thin ,very thin ,even in a crescent shape indistinct to blood red edge sightseeing broken air injection ,the place visited space at the beginning and torn apart .
relationresultLittle star -- breaking free ! , relationresultMing Liangreality using the original continental waters in Qianlong back the empty blood that trick ,a very small light from Ming Liang human index finger injection ,the light condensing extremely, forthright toward the black empty blood .
relationresultIn theclear mountain air .relationresultThat ared and a white light gently hit .But while broken, as if never appeared .But only for a while ,the area of hundreds of meters of space in frantic tremor .
relationresultWuempty blood and Ming Liang reality is looked into ,all two people on both sides of the crazy to escape .relationresultPeng ! , relationresultIf thelens .Hundreds of meters of space fragmentation poses a huge black chasm ,the black gap length up to hundreds of meters ,width has several meters .
So huge cracks in the space of the suction is almost to perfection .relationresultAh ... ... , relationresultAsound of screaming sound, around a few km within the scope of the thousands of scattered repair no resistance to the force by the black gap in which to direct phagocytosis .
Through the black gap ,also can see the rift within the chaos of colored energy .relationresultBut sincewater still flows, though we cut it with our swords ,relationresultAlthough spacewas torn ,but only for a while ,black chasm to extremely rapid rate is fixed, but returned to normal space .
relationresultThe mortalworld space capacity so strong, reaching twelve .Two super master to fight ,causing space tear is not surprising .relationresultMing Liang reality .Now the Sanxian has been dead for almost twenty thousand ,six time is above the Sanxian ,also died nearly two into .
Snow plume central to the said Akira Masahito .Snow plume center he really can see so many scattered repair died off .relationresultMing Liangreality looked around for magic and Sanxian desperate fighting, hard bit teeth ,a rare weapon : the empty language blood is an asshole ,he is dragon mainland bulk magic ,how to care for the magic to death .
, relationresultHe don ,cheap beats by dre.We care ,a live, the surviving Sanxian access to all ten Yan magic matrix .I personally presided over the ten Yan magic matrix ,there are ... ... The ten diffractive phantom array space is limited ,so many Sanxian want in a bit more difficult .
This temple ,on each room ,stay a few scattered immortals .Originally a Sanxian ,now live in four or five Sanxian ,critical moment not care so much ,if I can live ,let the Sanxian in space .
Or ten Yan magic matrix into the air . Ming Liang reality at this time also reluctantly very much .relationresultTenYan magic matrix is so big, can let the Sanxian crowd lived .relationresultWith the commandcommunication .
relationresultAccording to theorder of ,a Sanxian is flew directly into the ten Yan magic matrix .Ten Yan Ming Liang personally magic matrix has real control .Who will directly be transmitted into the Sanxian in internal area .
While the bulk of magic once came in ,it is to die .relationresultHa ha ,a coward ,capable of life hiding in the ten distribution in phantom array . Worship stood ten Yan magic matrix front yelling .
relationresultBulkMagic Party sounded a monstrous excited shouts .relationresultTheSanxian fight to escape into the ten Yan magic matrix ,this lets the innumerable loose the heart happy very .
In a dragon on one side and continental Sanxian scattered Magic Party is not much difference between the bulk ,when Magic Party so dominant ,will be forced to a matrix in Sanxian ?relationresultWuempty blood around the blood cloud into the blood red gown, robe the wind blows ,the empty blood volley standing, ringing voice : Ming Liang kid ,you have the patience to reside in the ten diffractive phantom array for a lifetime ,we all loose magic brothers decided to stay in the clear mountain .
Ha-ha. Pure mountain arrangement also really however ,after such a battle mountain ,it just destroyed four or five into it, but ,starting from today ,clear mountain is our territory .
, relationresultIn tenthe Ming Yan magic matrix Liangzhen popular flushed ,but gulped back .relationresultPuremountain ,it is seat of millions of years to Zong Qing Xu view .For millions of years, do not know how many senior expert in pure mountain arranged a variety of restraining method, there are a variety of protection the arcane .
Even though the Sanxian a battle of World War II, clear mountain by some of the most important place still has not been ruined .relationresultIn the distancefrom a to Z of the ancient war Xiu ,a gloomy ground began to secretly leave .
While originally Qinyu Hou fee et al ,the location had no brothers three figure, they left .relationresult...... , relationresultBrother ,what are you doing? War is not over ,you will make us Yin what the heck are you doing? Hou fees doubt very .
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