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Is expensive to any power the all never vulgar Gong sit with crossed knees of you will also the person of effective loyalty."
"Ji farmland, I think that you seemed to misunderstand me, I always all had no you think of so super take off, of so can't care is because the person here how dignify again to also have nothing to do with me, concrete of I can not explain to you, you still keep leaving first today."
The Ji farmland Ren whets to looking at him, the lips side peeps out one meaningful smiling face of putting on, suddenly, he an arrows tread to cross Gao Sha and almost pull out at the same time the long knife on the body to city happy the big uncle chop down to go, seeing the knife blade will split him, for the moment in this anything that vanishes, Gao Sha has already pulled out knife as well an in front that treads to arrive at a Ji farmland in a sudden hold up he relentless of the attack Be harsh voice to drink a way:"Do you want to do what?"
Ji farmland lips the side peep out a to put on to coolly smile, orotund but some disappointedly say:"Past regardless how I request to force you Be not willing to pull out the knife truely has a competition with me once, unexpectatively today you unexpectedly don't hestitate of to my knife blade mutually to."
"I am to protect a court 13 take turns eight brigade member of team, I absolutely disallow anyone flicks knife to my captain, Ji farmland, you return to take me for friend to immediately accept knife, otherwise-"
"How otherwise?Killed me?"
The Ji farmland is cold to say with smile to completely have no the meaning that accept the knife, Gao Sha 's facial expression abnormality of dignified and was full of an antinomy, the city is happy at this time the big uncle walk to the dual Human body side, he claps Gao Sha 's shoulder to say:"Are not two of you friends?How to literally pull out knife?This kind of habitually doesn't like!We eight brigades can not interest 11 brigades are that set of."
This words say of and listen to I want to throw up blood, if Gao Sha not for the sake of the trivial captain of oneself will with Ji farmland pull out knife mutually to?How does he distort facts?Still have having no a matter don't lead long to pull me of aren't 11 brigades very good?
The city enjoys to Gao Sha Shuo and finishes immediately and says to the Ji farmland:"See you really think this under charge learns by exchanging views with me once, don't be polite, though begin, he would not like to begin you to beat him to begin."
This words say do I want to throw up blood more and make what?Just told Gao Sha not to begin, the result incited a Ji farmland again PK somebody else, the this color big uncle walked the time of wearing the boundary door the head had no drive crowded?Or does his in the mind in fact care the business that Gao Sha sets up shop to corrupt eight brigade reputation in the present generation very much and want to take advantage of an opportunity to fix him?

Text Azrael VS new Zhuan set
Renew time:2010-4-3013:31:43 chapter word numbers:4990

I have no lookinging at of language city happy the big uncle no longer knew what like, honesty of 14 elder brother Langs finally see however walk over to say:"Spring water, Gao Sha is to want very hard for the sake of he respect of captain and friend's combat, this intention is really rare, you don't tease a person."
"Open none of a funs to go, 14 Langs are dociles, no wonder that your foreign brigade is the graduate student looks forward to most through the years of foreign brigade!"
Happy big uncle in the city one face complaint of say, then again perform turn angry face an incomparable skill, become a positive color to moderately say to Gao Sha Qian Ji:"I really appreciate that you support my intention, the friend who just since affirm must thoroughly cherish, with friend pull out knife mutually to hurt the feelings very much, I know that you are in mind also not very pleasurable, still lay by knife now!"
"Just ……"
Although happy big uncle in the city says so, Gao Sha still keeps having some hesitation, the vision worries at the same time of see toward the Ji farmland, once my in the mind move to suddenly thought of that the common mankind basically could not harm Azrael, Gao Sha should really know this, but he still blocks happy in the city big uncle's in front should be purely want to protect immediate superior so simple.
Happy big uncle in the city seems have already among them thoughted of a key as well, the milli- inattentively says with smile:"Stop worrying, I can't to he how of?You can be really clever and look and is helping me, in fact but is protecting him, be worried that I will hurt him?Don't you so not believe the personal character of captain in your house?"
"Is sorry!"Hear the city enjoy a big uncle to say so, Gao Sha Dun uneasiness of blush, bow apology 90 times, then accept knife to return sheath darling the ground stand to part.
2 people's dialogue lets the face of Ji farmland up brush past one silk one Shan and die of amaze,Cheap Beats By Dre, however this also just in a twinkling, soon he again resumes at ordinary times the shape of cold Jun, just air complications of looking at Gao Sha , a long time, he is just orotund apathy of say to Gao Sha :"Although don't know what person he is, however I finally comprehend you why will respect him, hope we hereafter can't meet again."
The Ji farmland Ren whets to finish saying and then don't hestitate of turned round to leave to don't turn head any further, the figure that he makes longer under the setting sun looks an abnormality of lonesome and standing alone, but was also full of the firmness for proceeding without hesitation at the same time, then in the breeze spread him remain cool but imitate a Buddha to take just some little the voice of warm, "will change right away sky, to the utmost leave at once Kyoto."
The Ji farmland's end that sentence makes me know that he in fact concerns Gao Sha , this friend very much, seeing to him has already decided to want fire to burn Kyoto, is architectural wood system ages everywhere at this this is absolutely a disaster!Indeed as expected not the Kui is to set on fire wildly, believe he with mountain originally the old man definitely has much of common language.
I am feeling deeply about of think, Gao Sha Wei knits the brows to mumbling to oneselfly say:"Kyoto will take place right away important event?Have something to do with I's livinging wolf?"
I have no language and listen to this form of address and see to Gao Sha still keep inclining toward to reform a person with ideals and integrity, the Ji farmland makes him walk is to, otherwise don't know where the day be pleased the tea that the Tun of new Zhuan set drinks.
"He exactly is come dry what?"
Happy big uncle in the city looking at the direction that the Ji farmland leaveses to puzzlingly say, the Gao Sha momentary language fills not to know how to explain, I right away and beside press of say:"Want to do so more what?The matter here could don't relate to with us, or hurriedly leave, otherwise those beauties wait hasty."
Happy big uncle in the city deeply saw my one eye and immediately peeped out the badly big uncle's smiling face to say again:"BE ah, leave quickly, I waited to not and urgently see those lovely small beauties."
He says and then jubilantly goes forward to go and seem completely and forget just small episode, I looking at his figure heart way:"Indeed as expected isn't a big common color uncle, his affirmation has been already realized Ji farmland just the meaning of that sentence, however have never continued and inquire Gao Sha but express an as if nothing has occurred appearance really rare, if this the person who changes more ultra conservative captain, inferiority and present generation so deeply tied down early serious handle, Gao Sha still really meets a good superior."
The in the mind thinks like this, I and everyone soon came right away Gao Sha 's store all the way and forward, for greeting two approach of captains, Gao Sha in early morning faces before walking especially the idea order person in the store carry on the general cleaning of all-directions multilayers today, must let the hygiene condition attain the level of tallest history.
While being us to get into this store indeed as expected at present see seem each place gleam to order some starlight, the floor is clean spotless almost can be a mirror use, shine on my to calculate I to roll none of 2 turns to take to be stained with on the clothes on the ground now the least bit ashen.
Certainly I ain't likely to do so, want to do to also can not do it, all female kids dress up in the at present hallway both sides Pu Fu to salute, that appearance is equal of shocking, let original a walk into this family tradition month place Be getting more uneasiness for very uneasiness 14 elder brother Langses, as for the city enjoys a big uncle ……still pack incognizant like, throw not rise that person!
We guide to walk into at Gao Sha here of the biggest room, the everyone cent guest and host after falling immediately has attendant to file in get into to send a wine good dinner, complain that dressing an abnormality while having no beauty company is stylish at happy big uncle in the city beauty of luckily the sub- elder sister is shining to show up, her hands hand ground to salute, then smile exceedingly fascinating and charming's saying:"Young girl luckily son, please take care of much and more."
She says a captivating smile, that smiling face looks like pure actually charmingly feminine then, which still have the vehemence to before resist elder sister, in my heart can not help exclamation inwardly indeed as expected not the Kui is Kyoto's most famous skill Ji, once working still is really respect-work, clearly like that Gao Sha likes desperately, but still can smile to the another man that Related articles:

